Collection, Preservation and Identification.

Larval ephemeroptera are easy to collect. Kick sampling is the most efficient method in running water, whilst in standing water a net can be swept through submerged vegetation or the substrate can be disturbed and the net swept through the disturbed water. Adult ephemeroptera can be collected by examining bankside trees and other vegetation. Alternatively, adults can be caught as they swarm near the water.

Both larvae and adults are best preserved by 70% ethyl alcohol. The specimen should be clearly marked with the location, date and grid reference where the specimen was collected.

The identification of British Ephemeroptera is covered by two scientific publications by the Freshwater Biological Association. These taxonomic keys provide the information required to identify all the British Ephemeroptera, together with extensive notes on their life cycles and ecology.


Elliott, J.M. & U.H. Humpesch (1983): A key to the Adults of the British Ephemeroptera with notes on their ecology. Scientific Publications of the Freshwater Biological Association No. 47, 101pp.

Elliott, J.M., U.H. Humpesch & T.T. Macan (1988): Larvae of British Ephemeroptera: a key with ecological notes. Scientific Publications of the Freshwater Biological Association No. 49, 145pp.


GB Nets
EFE and GB Nets, PO Box 1, Bodmin, Cornwall, PL31 1YJ. Tel/Fax 01706 813941 email:

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