Ephemeroptera Recording Scheme

The Ephemeroptera Recording Scheme has been set up, under the auspices of the Biological Records Centre, to encourage the recording of Ephemeroptera species throughout the British Isles. The aim of the recording scheme is to collect records of Ephemeroptera species throughout the British Isles. This will ultimately lead to the publication of an atlas of British Ephemeroptera and the monitoring of changes in the distribution of Ephemeroptera populations. Any populations that are particularly under threat will be identified and conservation advice will be provided.

Current Projects
The British Ephemeroptera
Key to the British Ephemeroptera
Flight Periods for British Ephemeroptera
Collection, Preservation and Identification
Contact the Ephemeroptera Recording Scheme
ERS Consultancy Services
Links to other sites

If you spot any amendments that are required to this site, or if you have a suggestion regarding future content then please contact the Ephemeroptera Recording Scheme.